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Saying Goodbye to Your Pet

Once you decide to euthanize your beloved pet, take the time to say goodbye to the one who brought you joy. These suggestions help you prepare for your final act of caring.


What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose,

for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.

~Helen Keller

Preparing for Goodbye


After you make the decision to euthanize your pet and choose euthanasia in the home or at the veterinary hospital, there are some steps you can take to ease the anguish for you and your beloved companion.

1. Take the time to say goodbye. Set aside time to be with your pet outside of medications and veterinary appointments. It is common to be overwhelmed with sadness or other complex emotions, and precious moments with your pet can slip away. Gaze into your pet's eyes, stroke his fur, make a paw print, clip a bit of fur for a keepsake later, or offer favorite treats, if your pet can still enjoy them.


2. Assure your pet through words and actions how much you love him or her. No one really knows how much a dog or cat understands (my guess is more than we suspect) but by speaking to them gently and explaining very simply what lies ahead—a needle stick, followed by drowsiness, then relief from pain and rest for a weary body—they can certainly intuit the love and caring behind the words.

3. You can let your companion animal know that he or she is going to a place with no struggle or suffering. Say how much you love her; how much you will miss her, and that she will always be with you in your heart. As you hug and hold her, you can thank her for being such a wonderful and loyal friend. And if it is comfortable for you, tell your beloved friend that you will meet again someday.

4. What you say, and how you say it, expresses your love for your pet rather than your need for a pet. This gives your companion permission to leave instead of trying to hang on for your sake. Read
Solo's Legacy for my experience of learning to let go.

I believe that animals understand more of these matters than most of us imagine. And even if they do not, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Of this I am sure: Our pets will know from our tone of voice that we love them, that we will be with them to the end, and that there is ultimately nothing to fear.

5. If you can, be with your pet when he or she is euthanized. This is too painful for some and it is important to accept what you can and cannot do. Before you
decide whether or not to be present at the time of death, please ask yourself this: As hard as it will be to observe your pet’s death, will it be even more difficult to live with the unanswered questions of not knowing what the end was like? Were the last moments peaceful? Did the end come quickly?


As a result of COVID-19, most veterinary clinics now have hybrid practices, a mix of old and new policies. Please call ahead and ask what to expect. If you are unable to be with your pet during euthanasia, take as much time as you need at home to honor your pet and share a loving goodbye.

I have always taken comfort in knowing that the last voice my beloved friends heard was my own. There is no right and wrong here. Only you can decide whether or not to witness your pet’s death. Be at peace with your choice.

The Final Act of Caring

The decision to euthanize provides a painless release from agony and can ensure us that the last moments we share with our pets are tranquil, not tormented. The word euthanasia comes from the Greek words eu thanatos  meaning 'good death.' Euthanasia is a compassionate response to prevent or stop the suffering of one who filled our days with joy. It is, in the end, our final act of caring. 

Related Reading


Home Pet Euthanasia: Preparing for Your Pet’s Euthanasia

The Pros and Cons of Euthanasia at Home

Pet Loss at Home: Should Children Be Present?

Should Pet Housemates Be Present for At Home Euthanasia?

Pet MD: Pet Euthanasia: Everything You Need to Know

Compassion Understood: The Euthanasia Procedure

When There Is No Time to Say Goodbye

The Ralph Site: Coping with sudden and unexpected pet loss

Good article but best viewed on a desktop due to small print.

Grief and Sympathy: Accidental Pet Death

How to Cope with an Unexpected Pet Loss

Body Care

Compassion Understood: After Life Body Care Final Care of Your Pet's Body

Cremation Solutions: Cremation Urns for Pet Ashes

Let Your Love Grow | A Living Memorial

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